Photo by Ed Keagle
Zoning Permit Fees:
(Effective 1 January 2020)
With references to applicable sections of the Town of Addison Zoning Regulations (ZR) and Subdivision Regulations (SR)
New Construction & Replacement Construction Fees
Residential/Seasonal dwelling (ZR §6.3) | $300.00 |
Mobile home (24 V.S.A. 117 §4412[B], ZR §6.3) | $300.00 |
Accessory dwelling/Apartment (24 V.S.A. 117 §4412[E], ZR §§4.1, 6.3) | $300.00 |
Accessory outbuilding (except agricultural exempt) (ZR §6.3) | $125.00 |
Addition/Renovation (ZR §6.3)
Major (addition of occupiable living space) | $200.00 |
Minor (decks, mudrooms, other non-occupiable living space) | $125.00 |
Temporary Structure/Use (ZR §4.3)
Temporary Structure / Use | $125.00 |
Land Development
In-ground swimming pool (ZR §6.3) | $125.00 |
Gravel extraction/excavation (ZR §4.7, 5.7) | $125.00 |
Towers/Telecommunications Facilities (ZR §4.14, 5.7)
Capital cost of project up to $5,000 | $250.00 |
Capital cost of project $5,000 to $100,000 | 5% of cost |
Capital cost of project over $100,000 | 3% of cost |
Administrative Hearing (Development Review Board)
Conditional use, appeal, variance, waiver (ZR §§5.7, 6.5-6.7) | $250.00 |
Subdivision (two lots minimum, fee per lot; SR §§210, 270, 410) | $275.00 |
Boundary-line adjustment (SR §250) | $275.00 |